Monday, July 2, 2012

justification.. and an announcement.

My ever growing collection of baby toys n things has finally been justified.  Not that I have found anything wrong with buying baby dresses for the baby I didn't have 5 years ago or for the Fisher Price collection that has been growing in my closet.  Well, I will finally have a little person of my own to justify my purchases. Yeah, I'm pregnant! 
We will find out in 2 weeks whether it is a boy or girl.  I have brainwashed Matt into wanting a girl just as much as I do.  My co-workers get the boy vibe, plus my family is known for popping out more boys than girls, so we will just have to see.
Me at about 15 weeks!  Not much to see yet.  But I can tell you I definitely can't suck my stomach in anymore!  So that is either from the baby or from all the pickles and ramen I'm lovin right now. 

Oh yeah he's going to be a good dad:)  The next step will be for him to put a diaper on that thing.  

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Allison!!!

What's so great about today? Is it that it is the exact middle of the year? Is it because today is Canada's Independence day? Maybe because it is Doctor's Day in India? Well, all those things are very special reasons to celebrate today, but you would be missing the greatest reason to have July 1st still on the calendar, and that is ALLISON'S BIRTHDAY!

Darn the luck if she didn't have to work on her own birthday, but we had a good time celebrating it yesterday. Allison is the greatest girl ever to be married to! I'm glad she picked me and I'm glad it's her birthday.