Saturday, April 28, 2012

apartment hunters

This is what our kitchen table has looked like the past week looking for a new place to live.  It makes me a little sick to my stomach just thinking about it.  It was harder than I thought.  But we pinned a place down that'll put us a little closer to Phoenix that'll give us more room AND more windows than our current apartment.  Just about a month left here in this cave tower we call home

Friday, April 27, 2012

Hello Idaho

We were here a couple of weeks ago for Matt's brother Brent's wedding in Rexburg.  As always we had a great time with the family.  The wedding was perfect.  A little snow in the morning but clear skies by noon.  We ran around all day getting things ready and were even able to spend time with my brother Brett and his wife Ciara who came into town to take wedding pictures.  That was fun.  I forgot my camera half the trip (including the wedding), so here are some of our happenings after all the exciting stuff.

We attempted to drive up to Mesa Falls with Matt's Dad but hit snow covered roads every route we took.  That didn't stop Papa Cline though.  He drove over those snow covered roads like it was nothing.  I was a little relieved when we finally got stuck and had to turn around, though it was an adventure with just the drive itself. 

Papa Cline in mid sentence
 The Tetons
 Matt's niece with the BIGGEST potato I have ever laid eyes on!
 Little Marja

The fam minus one more little girl who wasnt around when we were there.  This is Matt's oldest brother.  They have so many horses!

 The girls!  Matt's sister Lisa and Mama.  They are a hoot
 Its always a good time with the Couch girls (and matt).  I can't tell you how much fun we had with all the aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandma!  This by far was a quiet night here.  Wedding night we were up til about 1 A.M. partying still.  Well as for Matt and I, we fell asleep before everyone else. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Trader Joes Tuesday

they taste like falafels! mmmm.. and they're really good with hummus

Monday, April 2, 2012

month 4

So we got some good running days in this past month, there were a few missed days but I can assure you our intentions were where they should of been..does that count for anything?   Our next resolution is to read an ensign article a day for the next month.  I'm excited for this one

Before the conference site crashed on us between sessions yesterday, we watched this mormonad and it was sooo inspiring! It is amazing the faith and selflessness this young girl possesses even through her crazy trial in life.