Thursday, May 24, 2012

cacti 101

Cacti 101:  DO NOT TOUCH THEM.  They will attack you from every angle once contact is made.  They will not let go.  oh.. and they hurt.  
She was warned.. just like I was warned the first time I touched a cactus.  It ended up attacking my hand, my shoe, and ended in Matt's ankle.  Luckily Matt kept dating me after that incidence.  Juli's story was pretty identical.  The cactus attacked her finger, her shoe, and then her knee.  Although it makes for a good story..
dont. touch. the. cactus.
you have been warned

Monday, May 21, 2012

anniversary time

 happy 1 year!

see that cake?  we will be eating it FINALLY tonight!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Fish Creek

 This is Fish Creek!  
It is like a natural jungle gym which makes this my favorite hike in Arizona.  You are climbing up big boulders, walking (or crawling) across logs, jumping rocks to get across water, swinging on branches, etc.  Fortunately Juli and I were BFF's with Samantha and Robin back in high school who are also sisters and who also live here in Arizona.  It was a good time.

 This is Robin.  She hiked on a sprained ankle.  Hardcore?  Did I mention she takes boxing classes?

 Don't worry its just dried algae 

 Juli is talented and can surf rock waves backwards!

 Being fascinated by the tadpoles

 Sam the tour guide.  She's the trail walking expert

 They think they are pretty funny sometimes

 This was not planned.  Juli and Robin actually picked out on their own THE brightest shade of blue to paint their toenails.  
We ended our hike with some prickly pear ice cream.  Yum-my!

Monday, May 14, 2012

let the good times roll

we had a visitor this weekend which resulted in finger lickin good times that sadly had to end this morning.  julianne come back!  (we love having visitors come stay with us..hint hint)  heres just a couple of pictures of our weekend adventures.  more to come later.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

happy mama's day

Here's to you Mama!  This is to both our mamas.  This movie is to you from Matt.  Yall are well..pretty awesome!    We love you!!!!! xoxoxo

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Monday, May 7, 2012

the withdrawals continue

hawaii beach i miss you
california beach i miss you

mexico beach i miss you
               texas beach i miss you most


Saturday, May 5, 2012

photo project attempt #1

This is a lot harder than it looks!  i "recreated" these pictures last time i was home and it is very time consuming getting the angle just right and then making sure both the picture and the background are in focus.  But all in all, it was fun creating a little blast from the past.  All these original pictures were taken in the 1980's around my home in Texas.  Its fun to see how much things have changed and discovering how much things havent changed since then.

Brett, Mama, Baby Allison, Julianne
Andy and Dad
Andy and Julianne
Julianne and Andy
Yours truly
Our pool
Brett and Julianne
Baby me
Andy and Margie

Friday, May 4, 2012

hey, tempe!

speaking of friends, i miss you.
here's where my reminiscing led to late last night.