Anyway, after having dinner at the Catfish King in Livingston, I asked Grandma what their wedding was like. She told me all about it. There really wasn't much to it. Grandma and Pop had a drive by wedding. THey didn't even have to get out of the car! She said they had a couple friends with them, drove on up, the preacher came out and did his thing, and they became husband and wife just like that. Because this was Pop's third marriage (the first 2 being to his same ex-wife), Pop told the preacher that he was not going to pay him unless this marriage lasted longer than 10 years. Needless to say, he still owes him $10.
I admire Grandma and Pop so much. They are a beautiful couple and have lived happy, honest lives full of hard work. Pop repeatedly tells me times were rough back then. Regardless though, you can tell through their stories that they made the most out of life. Things were simpler back then. Friendships and family were cherished more. Little luxuries were treasured. Hard work had a higher value. And through it all they have kept a sense of humor about everything. They definitely have their differences, but as long as I can remember, every night they end it with a goodnight kiss. They just make me smile :)
Anyway, I was just thinking about them today because I gathered all my stories theyve told and compiled them together finally. Every time I go to visit them, they tell endless stories about "the good old days," and because my brain isn't as absorbent as theirs, I write them down at night before going to bed. Anyway that's it for today. As I tell Matt, Im done wasting my life away on the computer for now. Buuut of course I will be back soooon :)